Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012

Installation of Oracle Linux 5.8 on Virtual Box 4.1 with Guest Additions

Today I wanted to install Oracle Linux on virtual box, which I need for some testing systems. Since the installation and especially the setup of the guest additions were not as smooth as I expected, I decided to share the information.

InstallingOracleLinux58.pdf (1.5 MByte)

Samstag, 14. Juli 2012

WS-Security unveiled

One of the more complex examples that ship with WLS is a WS-Trust based authentication of a web service using SAML assertions. This example is quite easy to setup and run and the example’s documentation gives a basic understanding of what is going on. But we want to look deeper and shed light on the complexity that is hidden behind SSL, WS-Trust and SAML authentication. In a first step we separate the scenario from the example server and integrate it into eclipse, to create an isolated laboratory environment for further investigation. We will use Wireshark to analyze the actual flow of messages on the wire. We even look inside the SSL streams to identify the WS-Trust tokens and SAML assertions as they are passed between the participants.

Updated Links

Text file containing the output from building and running the project:
WLS example documentation as PDF:
Eclipse project file:

Dienstag, 3. Juli 2012

This part of the toolbox series introduces the Mini-IDE project. It is designed to instantly setup a weblogic server together with a small sample application. It provides everything to setup and run the example in less than five minutes. Despite its simplicity, it contains everything to build and deploy a Java EE web application, relying on not more than a WLS installation. It can easily be modified and used in analysis situations or as a starting point for proof of concepts. In environments where access is restricted to shell usage, we provide a distribution method based on copy and paste via the clipboard.